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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by don Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:50 pm

The Multiplication School Association (MSA) has announced that they will no longer be using the CMI as a part of the application for any multiplication school. It may be included if applicants wish, but it will not be required nor favored in any way, shape, or form. Instead the MSA has stated that they wish to implement a scoring system partnered with us, myMSAT, to provide insight on applicants and their likeness, character, and other personable factors that may contribute to a more ideologically diverse class. The scoring system will be called MP for Message Points. Message points will be displayed on the profile and in topics. They will be scored by intervals of +15 and -10, and they will be provided by you, the users. Users are responsible for evaluating the quality of each post provided by a user and deciding whether to favorably or unfavorably rate the post. Negative votes result in the users losing ten points, while positive votes reward them fifteen points.

How these points factor into Multiplication School admissions:
While these scores will not have a large amount of weight when being evaluated, they will provide a perspective that other components of the applications may fail to capture. Select Institutions, such as The Newton Institute, The Alexandria School, and the Elizabeth School, consider MPs of 2550 to be an indication of an applicant with a great deal of positive qualities such as insight, wisdom, agreeability, cleverness, intelligence, kindness, and many others. Other institutions such as Eden University and Savard University consider MPs of 2000 to be of applicants that are worthy of admission considerations based on their upstanding character and display of that of a Samaritan.

General Applicant

OVR : Goddard University
MSAT : 199
Σ : 395
Exam : 2022-10-23

butch and deedee45 agree.

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by makayla Thu Dec 22, 2022 11:58 pm

Hmm. It'll be interesting to say the least. I guess they figured the CMI was becoming too easy or something (too many 40 scores)?

Goddard University ‘26

OVR : Savard University
MSAT : 204
Σ : 405
Exam : 2022-12-22

deedee45 agrees.

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by eggsmexy Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:08 am

makayla wrote:Hmm. It'll be interesting to say the least. I guess they figured the CMI was becoming too easy or something (too many 40 scores)?
that's what I was thinking, and I guess they're right. I've seen so many 40/180 folks at this point

General Applicant

MSAT : 187
Σ : 374
Exam : 2022-10-22

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by deedee45 Fri Dec 23, 2022 12:16 am

I liked the CMI though,

General Applicant

OVR : Bradford University
MSAT : 194
Σ : 388
Exam : 2022-10-24

ross disagrees.

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by ross Fri Dec 23, 2022 1:00 am

seems to be working out okay so far.

General Applicant

MSAT : 194
Σ : 382
Exam : 2022-11-29

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by narwhal Fri Dec 23, 2022 1:10 am

deedee45 wrote:I liked the CMI though,
Agreed. It was helpful for us non fast typers. I hate this move

General Applicant

OVR : Easton University
MSAT : 193
Σ : 386
Exam : 2022-10-22

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by butch Thu Dec 29, 2022 4:00 pm

It works

Goddard University ‘26

OVR : 82
MSAT : 199
Σ : 398
Exam : 2022-10-22

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

Post by guy Tue Jan 03, 2023 4:06 pm

I also like the MP system. It works for me!

Walton School ‘26

OVR : 97
MSAT : 213
Σ : 423
Exam : 2022-10-23

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BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors... Empty Re: BREAKING: Multiplication Schools to stop using CMI; in favor of considering other factors...

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